Tag Archives: 10k


Running… it’s quite the journey.  I have never experienced so many trials and tribulations in my life.  And I am amazed, knowing my history and temperament, that I have stuck with it.  I constantly remind myself of where I started and, when I look at where I am today, that keeps me going.  Keeps me picking up my feet.  Keeps my lacing up my sneakers.  Keeps me from quitting in the middle of a run.

A while ago I announced my intent to run the Runner’s World 10k in Bethlehem, PA in October.  And I am sticking to it.  Public announcements will do that to you.  The day I made that announcement I was pumped, had an amazing playlist queued up, and hit the canal trail for my first couch to 10k run.

And I hurt myself.

I really hurt.

For weeks after I was in so much pain.  After some serious online research, because everything we read on the internet is true, I self diagnosed myself as having plantar fasciitis.  And after enough complaining on facebook about my issues, finally some kind friends, one of which is on her way to becoming an awesome physical therapist, recommended some treatments and they worked.  They were painful, but they worked.  The point of my sharing this is that the pain stopped my from running for a few weeks and really pushed back my training.  The old me, or maybe still the same me but with a little more self-motivation, would have let this stop me from doing the 10k.  But my feet and I are still determined to make this running thing a serious gig.

I realized my mistake in my first day of 10k training those many weeks ago.  I went out on a 90+ degree day, with the sun at full force, and attempted to do a run that my body was not ready for.  I got seriously dehydrated and hurt myself.  Big mistake.  So I decided that once I was feeling better, I’d put aside the 10k plan and just get out there and do a few runs sticking to 1 to 2 miles and varying speeds to get my body used to running again.  It must have worked because last night I kicked ass in a 10k training run.  I believe the key is to not run at full sun. Duh!

So I am back, my friends.  Back to running.  Back to training for the 10k.  And hopefully, back to writing on a regular basis again 🙂

Anyone else running the Runner’s World 10K?  How do you get through fitness highs and lows?

To read about other running highs and lows from a much more eloquent and experienced runner, check out Emily’s blog.

P.S. For those who live in the Bethlehem area be sure to come to the Veg Fest!


Here We Go Again…

Time to stay motivated again.

A year ago I would have called myself crazy.

No way would I ever think this is something I’d be doing.


I am going to run a 10k.

That’s right.


6.2 miles.

After my first 5k in April where I didn’t quite run the whole thing but did manage to cross the finish line of one of the toughest courses in Bucks County, I’ll admit that I was hooked.

But then I took a really long break.  Much too long.  I had completed my goal and now there wasn’t any reason to continue running.  Well, besides the obvious reasons of health and fitness, but that isn’t enough for my naturally lazy butt.  Oh wait, but I had convinced my non-running friend to sign up for the Philadelphia Color Run in July.  Woops.  I guess maybe I should start running again.

But did I?  No.  Of course not.  Too many things got in the way.  Like the heat.  And my couch.  And reading.  And having my workload lessen which means more free time to do things other than run.  And then a trip to Kentucky where I certainly wasn’t going to run in that heat.  Crazy talk.

So I went and did the Color Run but I knew we wouldn’t be running because 1- my friend doesn’t run and 2- it was 100 degrees that day.  It was all we could do to walk the 3.1 miles.  But man was it fun!!  We’re hooked and announced our plans to do it next year!

Becky and I after The Color Run.

(A post to come on that fun run is to come.)

Even though we didn’t run the run, I was determined to use it as a jumping board to getting back and track.  And it seems Becky might have been bitten by the bug as well since she was the one who first proclaimed that we are doing it again next year.  Oh, and that plan to return next year?  I plan to return in little tiny hot pants that I saw so many people wearing.  They looked much cooler than I.  Both definitions of cool apply.

Obviously one must have a plan to feel comfortable wearing tiny shorts in one year and here is mine.

I am doing the Runner’s World 10k in October in Bethlehem, PA.

It’s perfect.

I love the magazine, it’s the next stop from a 5k, there is an appropriate amount of time to prepare, and it’s in my town!  Perfect for practicing the slightly hilly course.

Now that I have made this very public announcement there is no turning back!

Anyone else doing the Runner’s World?  There is a half, 10k, and 5k.  How do you stay motivated to keep running?  Have you done/are you signed up for a Color Run?