Tag Archives: emily

Best Response?

I can’t be the only one that sends the same text to multiple people, can I?

Today I sent the same text to three people: the boy, the friend, and the cousin.  I got three very different responses.  You be the judge on which is the best.  😉

theboycar1 theboycar2 beckycar1 emilycar1





Mid-January Catch Up

Hi all!  It’s the middle of January… I know, I can’t believe it either… so I thought I’d check in on myself and see how I’m doing with my January goals.

I signed up for a 5k!  On April 28 I will be running in the Bridge Valley Trailblazer Race for Autism 5k. Cousins Emily and Lauren are joining me and we’re looking for more to join in the fun! I am super excited, and scared, about this!  To celebrate my first 5k I have decided to raise money for Libertae, a residential facility in Bensalem, PA for women battling substance abuse.  They and their children live on campus and receive treatment to make the transition easier.  They learn how to be a better mother, get a job, and live substance-free.  I started volunteering there before moving and thought this would be a nice way of continuing to give.  My goal is $1000, please help!  You can read more about my story and donate by clicking here. (Thank you to Eileen for making the first donation!)

I have completed 1 week of the Couch to 5k program.  My goal is to finish the first 2 weeks in January.  Even though I still have time I am disappointed at myself for not completing this already.  I really need to get my ass in gear now that I am officially registered!

Totally had a healthy dinner party!  Party of 2!

All the ingredients in the rice cooker!

Megan came over and I cooked her a vegan meal.  She asked if I could handle vegan when I invited her over and I thought, girl I can handle anything!  We had delicious rice and beansin the rice cooker my brother got me for Christmas (hands down one of THE best gifts ever), homemade salsa which turned out pretty good despite it not being tomato season, and Megan brought yummy guac and tortillas.

Finished product!

It was so nice to sit back with a bottle of wine and catch up.  Definitely have to do this again!

Well, I didn’t start my yoga practice again.  I still have time, but I should have done this already.  And I haven’t started the Cleanse yet, but that’s okay because I’m not starting it until the end of the month.

How are you doing on your goals?  Any exciting events coming up?

The Beginning of a Never-End

You might have heard me mention before that my cousin is also my best friend.  And if you’ve spent any time with me I’m sure I’ve told you an Emily and Jacquelyn story.  On Wednesday I wrote about friends who you meet and instantly click with.  Well, Emily is that cousin.  I can’t shake her because she is family but there is no way I would ever want to shake this one.

Emily is four years younger than me and spent most of her life navigating the mean streets of an Orlando suburb.  She would arrive in Hville every holiday and summer to spend time with her Dad but we never saw each other much.  Then one fateful summer when her Dad was going to be away on business for a while, my parents invited Emily to stay at her house even though they were going to be in Korea for a large portion of that time visiting my brother.  My first thought… how am I going to entertain this stranger of a cousin who is younger than me.  Cut to the end of the summer where we’re so close our own Grandmother, who amazingly knows each of her 15 grandchildren’s voices, couldn’t tell us apart.  That summer four years ago is the beginning of a never-end.

When Emily graduated high school she moved up to Hville to live with her Dad and we’ve been inseparable ever since.

Alas, all good things must change and she has moved to the city to finish college there.  Even though she is only a 30 minute drive from Hville, it feels like she is across the country.  No more impromptu trips to Target.  No more popping down to each other’s houses whenever we’re bored.  No more.

And now that I FINALLY was offered the promotion at work I’ve been interviewing for all summer we’ll be even further apart for I must move to Doodlehem (so aptly named by Sara) a 60-90 minute drive away.  So we’re trying to enjoy these last few weekends together (although I will admit to pooping out last weekend and falling asleep at 8:30 on a Saturday night) and are taking advantage of her apartment in the city.

I’d like to look at moving as just more opportunities for fun for us.

I forgot to take a picture of our salad before we dove in-- at The Continental Mid-Town

Buffalo Chicken Quesadilla-- at The Continental Mid-Town

Lobster Mashed Potatoes-- at The Continental Mid-Town

Tofu Tempura– at The Continental Mid-Town

View from Vango

Deeeelicious and fattening waffles